Wednesday, November 18, 2009


One of my great challenges in life is to be patient. Getting the boys dressed in the morning is the time that I long for the greatest efficiency and can lose my patience quickly. This is a picture of Wyatt's rebellion to my need to get ready in a timely manner. Kids sure can help you take life less seriously. I hope you all get a laugh out of my pain. I did!


  1. Well, technically he does have a shirt and pants on. Maybe you are too picky about the placement of such items?! hahah. Wyatt is adorable. :-)

  2. Love it! I will start working on my patience for when I have kids!

  3. totally hilarious! thank you for taking a picture despite your pain :)

  4. Haha! Wyatt is very clever thses days. I bet he thought he was pretty funny!

  5. this is amazing! you are an awesome mom for being able to even think that soon enough this rebellion will be funny enough that you need a picture of it. I think this is one you will want to bring out when the prom date comes around :)

  6. awesome! ... he's just exercising his 1st Amendment rights!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. How creative is Wyatt!!! What a hoot. Please do tell: what is on his head?

  9. It is his underwear of course, meaning he doesn't have it on where it should be. :)
